The Lams of Ludlow Street


The Lams of Ludlow Street

Thomas Holton, The Lams of Ludlow Street, is an incredible visual journey of a Chinese family living in Chinatown. Through the photographs, I felt like I was part of their lives and that I may have lived their lives because I am part of an immigrant family as well. The photographs really spoke to me because I can relate to that suffocating feeling of living together, in close quarters, with parents and siblings. I chose the image of the father and his sons. In the image, it’s chaos all around, there’s a tub, a kitchen table, rags hanging from above, a sink and sheets and pillows in the corner. Out from the center of the image, is the father leaning on the tub staring at you. His stare is intense even I had to look away because what lays beyond those eyes are a mystery but something I’ve seen in my father’s eyes. It feels like he’s saying that this is the best he could do and it’s not where he imagined his life. His little boys are staring away from their father, perhaps at the television, completely oblivious. The overall photograph has a sadness and finality to it.

I believe that, Mr. Holton, deliberately kept the camera at eye level, so that as a viewer,  you have no choice but to stare at the father. Horizontal lines are created by the objects in the apartment moving the viewer’s eyes left to right. The out of focus boys are creating a frame within a frame, drawing the viewer’s eyes directly to the father. Even though this color photograph doesn’t appear to have much contrast , there’s is a light above the father’s head that’s highlighting him and once again drawing your eyes directly to him. There’s is no doubt that within the chaos of the apartment, the father appears to be a strong pillar of steadiness and as a viewer, you have no choice but to stare at the father.


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This is an image of a model, modeling during Spain fashion week. I find this image interesting because of the color/ lighting and contrast. The color, lighting, and contrast makes the image stand out directing the model design to the audience attention. The black background also helps make the model look 3D in the picture.


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Festival Photo


I feel that this photo is an amazing one because of the techniques used to focus on the child being carried through the holy cloth. There’s a contrast of light and dark that emphasizes the child at the lightest area.  The fabric acts as a frame within the frame that is also a big factor in emphasizing the child by redirecting your eyes to him and helping to give a feeling of not only festivity but also reverence towards the saint that they remember by this festival.

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Darkness with a glimpse of red

The amount of shadow in this picture lets you capture the highlights on the red robe perfectly. Also there is a little glow around the head part of the robe. The angle in which this picture has been taken, reminds me of a tv show I watch called American horror story: Coven. In the show Ryan Murphy, the producer, uses canted angles and fisheye lenses that makes it interesting . The midtones on the picture is where the grayish blue bricks are located, creating a sense of direction.


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The Fall of the Bangladesh buiding


I chose this photo because there is a lot of contrast between light and dark. The background had a lot of light contrast where as the surrounding area is filled with darkness. The person in the middle and the light in the background are, in some way, connected as if it was a miracle he survive the collapse.

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Edward Hopper

The photo I picked is a well known painting done by Edward Hopper who has recently became my favorite artist. I’ve seen this painting in person before in The Whitney Museum of American Art in fall 2013 and that exhibit was amazing.

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Russia Athletics Worlds


This photo here shows what timing can do to a photo. The timing in this photo is just perfect that it portrays the athlete in the center of the dome. The framing of the dome is what makes the picture and is what appeals to me the most. The silhouette of the person just shows that the photographer wants the author to focus more on the scenery behind the athlete rather than the athlete himself.

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Contrast of Light & Dark Berlin Fashion Week

This image to me shows a great contrast of light and dark. In the image; the background is completely black while the model’s face is white. Also on the left side of the model’s face is faded into the black also which gives a feeling that something is coming from the darkness.

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i really like this photo because the lines shows a really nice composition. The lines starts off really wide and narrows down when it goes further. Makes it seem like a road for the people in the image. The use of lines in this picture is just amazing.

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This image is about angle and has a really incredible point of view from the bottom of the pool. I like how you can see half of the swimmer’s body already under the water and you can see how the rest of the water ripples from the force of their jump.

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