I just so happened to go on a Saturday the company was throwing a Holiday party for the employees so it did affect the times of the tours. Nonetheless I was the first person online because the website did say they gave out tickets an hour before the tour, I thought the tour started at 11:30 but instead it started at 12pm. Upon entering they gave us the opportunity to buy beer before the tour started. The Brooklyn Brewery beer is made of four main ingreidents which are 95% water, malt, and barley which is essentially the same thing malt is the back bone to their beer and barley is very sugar rich and enzyme rich. The sugar in barley helps to make alcohol, lastly, hops are added in to make the beer bitter, add flavor and aroma, also preserve the shelf life of the beer. The process of beer making is they grind up all the grains and sugar rich in their mill room then it gets sent on the conveyor belt to the mash tub, the mash tub gets filled with very hot water with the sugar rich grain a mash is made in comparison to porridge. The mash is then sent to a louder ton which separates the sugary liquid from the grain, the sugary liquid is unfermented beer that is then transferred to the brew kettle. The liquid boils in the brew kettle and hops is added in because when hops is exposed to the heat it breaks down, releases acids that are needed to bitter up the beer. Everything then gets sent to the whirlpool that separates the proteins and the hop particles that isn’t wanted in the beer. After the proteins and hop particles are out it gets sent to the fermentation unit. Brooklyn Brewery has 14 fermentation tanks filled with two types of beers an Ale or a Lager, Ale ferments faster and at a warmer temperature, lager will ferment and sit in the tank for 2 and a half weeks at a colder temperatures. The beer is either bottled or kegged the machine they have will do 120 kegs in one hour and the bottle system is Italian made it can bottle 7,000-12 ounce bottles in one hour.