I decided to use the Brooklyn Brewery for my beverage production experiential analysis because I wasn’t able to go to the vineyard. The Brooklyn Brewery is a beer production and tasting bar located in Williamsburg Brooklyn. I have to say that I was pretty excited for this visit because I’m kind of a beer fan and I have never been to or thought about going to a brewery.
When I got there I walked in to hear someone asking if anyone wants to take the tour or if they’re just drinking so I immediately walked up to him and told him that I’m on this visit for a school assignment and that I wanted to take the tour. The guy was very nice because he told me that I could ask him or whoever anything I needed too because it was for school. I got my tour ticket and then I went to go get my beer pass. There were a couple of beers on the menu but I ended up getting one that had orange in it. I liked it a lot because it had the beer bitterness that I liked but it tasted of orange so it balanced out.
The bartender was also my tour guide. His name was Travis and he told us that they’ve been around since 1980 but they were only home brewers and did not yet have this brewery. They would sell recipes until they made enough to buy what they now call the Brooklyn Brewery and they’ve been opened since 1988. They brew 24 hours a day, 5 days a week using a 50 barrel roll up system from Germany. Each beer is tailor made by how many grains are used.
Travis let us know that there are 4 ingredients in beer, water, grains, hops and yeast (which I was glad to already know). He also let us know the two categories of beer, ale and lager with ale being the sharper one. The way they make their beer is by adding their grains to a drum that heats them up and creates water when the grain start to come out of their shells. This is filtered by separating the water from the grain in order to kill any bacteria that is still in it. It is then transferred to what he called the “war pool” where the hops will be added. They let the mixture cool down and then they send it to the fermentation cellars where the yeast is added. They let it become beer and then they bottle it up and start to distribute it. They depend a lot on word of mouth as well as selling their beers to local Brooklyn establishments.