Questions about Malcolm X’s “Learning to Read” -Response

Can you relate to the text? Why or why not?:

I can relate to the text because there are just some subjects that I am more interested in that others.

Do you think that most people today see/understand the ability to read the same way that Malcolm X describes?:

I highly doubt that people would see / understand the ability to read the same way that Malcolm X describes. Due to the advances in technology, its become easier for people to just watch / listen to things just as much as reading is.

Great posts and reminders!

I am enjoying reading all of your posts! I look forward to hearing more thoughts!  Please see the schedule and course materials sections for reminders about what we have due Monday.  I am also posting the literacy writing assignment under the assignments header–we will discuss this more Monday.  Have a lovely weekend!

Goals for this Semester

my goal this semester in this class is to get a good grade and learn to write better essays and learn better writing techniques.

my quote: Reading is like having a mini screen inside your head you get to see ever single detail with just closing your eyes.


Goals and Quote

Hi, my name is Ashley! I’m currently a Liberal Arts major but I am looking forward to creating my own “Broadcasting Sports” major through the use of CUNY BA. My goals for this semester is to express my feelings in my writing better and obviously, to get an A. My quote from class was “We write to get things off our chests”.


hello everyone, my name is Tenghui Jing, I am your English 1121 classmate, my goals for the semester is to get a good grade in this class also I want to do better on my writing and reading, I want to read and write more. hope we have a fun semester!

Luis Ugalde goals

Well hello to all my name is Luis Ugalde. I will acccept the nickname lulu(is because of a nice female friend I had who liked that name) or lu for shortness. My goals for this semester are to score an A in this class by working extremely hard and improving my writing. I have a problem with penmanship although my solution to This  problem is to write slowly. I wish to improve and be able to write some what neater in a timely efficient way. Ps the my quote was that “ the best writing comes from freedom within”

Goal for Semester

Hi my name is Jenny and my goal for this semester is to become a  great writer where I make little mistakes nothing too big and be able to express my thoughts and able to get the right evidence to match my words. I just want my point to get across right away so people know exactly what I’m talking about once they start reading my work.