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Reminders for this week–navigating-genres.pdf

Hi all!  Please read, print, and annotate the above text–we will be working with the text this week.  Please also come in with thoughts about the question that I had put on the board about the types of writing we encounter in our lives.  Please also post a few examples on our course site.  Let me know if you have any questions.

Goals and quote

Introduction/Goals:  My name is Chrisgeily, pronounced Chrishaiely. This is my second semester and I am majoring in nursing.My goals for this year is to have more comprehension about reading and writing and more understanding.

Quote: ” How can you live without reading, what a boring life you have reading gives you lots of escapes from the world.”


Hi, my name is Rosa Cortes and my goals for this semester is to be able to further expand my vocabulary and improve in writing organization wise.

My Quote: Starting is a challenge, the plot an adventure and an unforgettable frustrating ending

Questions about Malcolm X’s “Learning to Read” -Response

Can you relate to the text? Why or why not?:

I can relate to the text because there are just some subjects that I am more interested in that others.

Do you think that most people today see/understand the ability to read the same way that Malcolm X describes?:

I highly doubt that people would see / understand the ability to read the same way that Malcolm X describes. Due to the advances in technology, its become easier for people to just watch / listen to things just as much as reading is.