Author Archives: Leigh Gold

Reminders and Other Information

Hi all!

I had forgotten to tell you all that I do also need an electronic copy of your first draft of your essay (before your revisions)–please either email it to me OR you can post it on our course site is great as well.  Please have the text with you “Navigating Genres” on Monday.  Please also come in with one or two examples of genres that we encounter in our lives (these can also include work related and academic of course or literary examples).

Let’s think about this quote from the Dirk text when we choose our examples:

“…all genres matter because they shape our everyday lives.”


Please email me if you have any questions.

Reminders for this week–navigating-genres.pdf

Hi all!  Please read, print, and annotate the above text–we will be working with the text this week.  Please also come in with thoughts about the question that I had put on the board about the types of writing we encounter in our lives.  Please also post a few examples on our course site.  Let me know if you have any questions.

Great posts and reminders!

I am enjoying reading all of your posts! I look forward to hearing more thoughts!  Please see the schedule and course materials sections for reminders about what we have due Monday.  I am also posting the literacy writing assignment under the assignments header–we will discuss this more Monday.  Have a lovely weekend!