Hello, my name is Glorianny Guzman. I am 19 years old and a student at The New York City College of Technology. I’m studying Art and Advertisement. I’m not into advertising but I am going to complete my degree just for the experience and to have something to fall back on. I want to be an art professor one day and hopefully be good enough to eventually teach fine arts in Italy.

I have taken Publication Media the study of Indesign, and Raster Vector which is the study of Illustrator. I don’t recall the skill to the best of my ability because it was not of my interest. I enjoy life drawing, painting and sketching. I do not know much Photoshop but I have learned it in high school as well as Dreamweaver. I only focused on the drawing part of all my art/design classes. I love fine arts, thanks to my mother, she is an artist and I have learned a lot from her. I wish to further my education from fine arts to graphic design even if I don’t enjoy the technology part. I wish to learn as much as I can, I plan for success.

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