Anatomy of Typography

Typography anatomy is a letter of group. Every single letter has a name like a human body. By breaking down you can understand better how type was created. For example counter-the inside of a bowl, leg-the bottom stroke of a letter, and shoulder-the curve at the beginning of a leg of a character. Most of the terms come from Greek, Latin, and Dutch. Here is one picture for example:


Bad Kerning


The spacing in this one is to far from the other letter; therefore, it reads with no sense. Instead of ā€œonlyā€ we all can see ā€œonl and Y. ā€œ The same thing is with “Buses.”Ā A person who wants to make a sign has to know how to carve, has to know how to space them correctly, and how to place in a good place so that everybody can read and understand the meaning of it.


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