Testing Other Realms

I have been testing their platform along with the other interns. Wedidit has us using the platform they same way that their employees and clients us it, they want to us to find bugs and anything that simply doesn’t make sense. Since they are used to using the software regularly they can overlook bugs or options that aren’t user friendly. I was able to find things that weren’t user friendly as well as icons that were hard to read.

For example when exporting a campaign, there is an option for slideshows with captions and those captions were in white, font size 10 and very thin. If something is a caption it should be bolder and stand out more. Also the redundancy of a instructional video that would pop up every time I would edit my campaign. That video should only pop up once and that is when you are just starting to build a campaign to guide you through it. There many other things that were brought up by the other interns and all of these things will be condensed into a doc and that will be handed to me to start the UI/UX design process.

I am excited and a bit nervous, I want to make sure that I can finish everything that is assigned to me in the little time that I have in this internship. I have heard many students during their internships do not get to finalize their projects. Keeping my fingers crossed.

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