Networking & Social Media Advertising

My role currently at Wedidit is UI/UX designer and my supervisor is the Inbound Marketing Specialist. I was able to get this internship via the Brooklyn Tech Triangle Program which several school participate in. I signed up for the program and I had was given the ability to apply for several companies. If a company is interest they will invite the potential intern to be interviewed. I was selected by several companies and i scheduled my interviews during the speed interview event. Fortunately for me I already had an internship lined up for me if i wasn’t selected during the interviews but that internship wasn’t paid. Several companies reached out immediately and selected me and I was matched through the program with Wedidit.

On another note, just an update on my internship….

One of the things that Wedidit likes to be involved in is networking events and stay active on the social networking channels. I have been assigned to work on an e-invite for a networking event that for a company that they work with. It is a networking event that will take place in mid July and its where non-profit employees can mingle and discuss interests and their involvement in the npo world. So that was quite easy considering that they have given me total creative freedom because they trust my skills in design.

I am also working on some social media art pieces that contain quotes. They are inspirational and geared toward non-profit causes. It is easy but difficult, its easy design wise but finding the right image and making sure it is royalty stock free is a pain. Also any image can easily change what the quote stands for. I have also created some banners for their webinars that are open to their clients.

I am enjoying this experience, it’s different and relaxing.

My Reaction During Networking Events (The nervous guy in the front)


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