Week 2: Animation Basics

Shape Tweens

Animating frame-by-frame was the only option for traditional cel animation, and as you can see it is incredibly time consuming to do even a simple animation. Fortunately, Flash give us tools to streamline some of this work! It’s called Tweening, and the simplest type of tween is a Shape Tween.

You can apply a shape tween to any span with at least two keyframes. It’s best demonstrated using a transition between two different shapes:

[swfobj src=”http://classes.catherinegarnier.com/s12webmedia1/wp-content/uploads/shapetween.swf” allowfullscreen=”false”]

The shape tween will transition shape, color and position.

Use the shape tween to create a bouncing ball that moves from one side of the stage to the other, using this as a guide:

Another Ball Bounce

The image above is from an excellent book called The Animator’s Survival Kit. If you are at all interested in becoming an animator, you should go buy it ASAP!

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