Venice Golding Mary Prince pages 41- end

The interesting part of the text that I read was when I we heard more about Mary’s character and her moral values from other people’s perspective. I found this on page 46 to 47 in the letter that Mr. Phillips wrote. He explains that she was a hard working person; contrary to what Mr Wood had said about her. She was respectable to them and they trusted her to keep the house in their absence. One would wonder why he sold five slaves and still kept her behind the answer to that I believe is that he found no fault in her that would cause him to want her to leave. He didn’t sell her and when he was leaving for England he could have done that and got her off his hands and he didn’t. Also with the many threats that they gave to her while in England how they would send her away but never followed through on it. I believe that was just to intimidate her because they knew she had the will to stay or leave whilst in England. On page 52 Mrs Forsyth also speaks on Mary’s loyalty and honestly and her hard working characteristics, Mary was the one that kept the house in their absence as well and she never robbed them of anything. All these testimonies was in Mary’s defence that the woman that Mr Wood was portraying her to be was not who she really was.

Mary Prince Blog 3

In this part of the reading Mr. Wood’s letter on why he refuses to allow Mary’s freedom to be bought is the main focus. They bring up in page 43 the 6th point how Mr. Wood talks of Mary being licentious and even depraved in her conduct before marriage and even after marriage being unfaithful to her husband. Mary’s defense brought up a lot of good points saying if he knew of such horrible acts why would he sell five slaves before her and even make her the head of the household when they were gone. Such qualities aren’t fit for such an important job. Joseph Phillips later touches on this subject saying it was very common for slave masters to get with their slaves. Maybe this explains why Mrs. Wood was so hard on Mary all the time, maybe Mr. Wood had a thing for Mary and for this reason never wanted to sell her off, even though he accused her of all these things. This was very interesting to me because throughout the narrative sex isn’t really brought up but yet in these final letters it is. It goes to show that not everything that is said throughout the narrative is all that happend there were alot of background stuff that weren’t mentioned.