Tituba Chapter 5-9

While reading I, Tituba Black Witch of Salem, I come across something very significant in this novel. The one scene I found very important is Tituba’s new master, Samuel Parris who poured a drip of frigid water on her forehead while the other sailors insulted her. I feel greatly surprise on this because Tituba might sick from the freezing water on her forehead and the chilly wind. Also, another significance in this scene is Samuel Parris’ wife, Elizabeth who showed compassion to Tituba which similar to Jennifer, Darnell’s wife who also cared for Tituba’s Abena. It is ironic because both mistresses were afraid of their husbands. For example, Samuel Parris express, “Elizabeth, are you mad? Letting this Negress sit next to you. Get out, Tituba, and quick.” This shows how Samuel Parris had a notable dislike for his wife because she had been very friendly to a slave like Tituba. Another ironic scene is Tituba encountered Betsy Parris and Abigail Williams for the first time. Tituba’s relationship with the two girls would foreshadowed the events in Salem.





Tituba Chapter 1-4

While reading I, Tituba Black Witch of Salem, I discover something very significant during the reading. Before Tituba was born, her mother Abena was sexually assaulted by an English sailor. Afterwards, Tituba was born from hatred and abhorrence. I found this scene very significant because Abena had been experiencing a lot of trauma and pain throughout her life before the birth of her daughter. For example, Darnell Davis, a wealthy planter, bought her because he assumed that Abena was a skillful slave. Unfortunately, this barbarian discovered that she was pregnant. On the other hand, Jennifer, Darnell’s wife had been resentful to him because she was forced to marry him. She had a good solid relationship with Abena. Also, he had several of illegitimate children. Another scene I found which is significant as well as disturbing in the novel is Darnell showing his private part to Abena. This act would cause Abena to retaliate on him before he had her executed. I feel greatly sad because Abena was trying to defend herself on Darnell which led to her execution. Furthermore, I believe Darnell should be punished than Abena for sexually harshment because he was very vile and harsh to her after founding out that she was pregnant.

Mary Prince pg. 41-end

While reading the final pages of the novel, I discover something very significant involving the court of explaining Mary Prince’s moral values and passions. The reason it is very significant because most of the witnesses revealed their true statements about Mary’s personality and worthiness. For example, Mrs. Forsyth proclaimed that Mary had been a very helpful servant for her about the last six months. In addition, Mary had also been taking care the house of the Secretary of the Anti-Slavery Society while he and his family were gone in Scotland for three months. The most interesting fact I am happy about Reverent J. Curtain firmly believes that Mary Prince was always dress appropriate and had faith in her. After the testimonies reveal their honest relationships with Mary Prince, the court believes the truth of her story was extraordinary persuasive. Overall, I like how most of the individuals described their relationships with Mary Prince with analysis and description.

Mary Prince pages 20-41

During the reading of Mary Prince, I believe that Mrs. Wood hiring Martha Wilcox was very significant. The reason it was important because Wilcox is a mulatto woman and had a similar personality like Mrs. Wood and Mr. Wood. In addition, Martha Wilcox was considered to be superior over Mary Prince. I am disgusted at Martha’s attitude towards Mary Prince because she would always told Mrs. Wood if Mary refuse to perform her task. Also, another thing I feel outrageous is Mary being severely whipped by Mrs. Wood. Furthermore, she was locked in a cage like an animal. After being tortured physical and mental, Mary was very weak and could barely performed her tasks. Moreover, the other slaves worried about her illness. Unfortunately, they cannot tend her because Mrs. Wood ‘s wrath. Both Mr. Wood and Mrs. Wood planned to let Mary find an owner. Since Mary had been saving a lot of money due to working in small-time services, it was futile for her to find another owner.


The History of Mary Prince Pages 1-19

While reading The History of Mary Prince, I visualize how most of the African slaves were treated very harsh and cruel by the slave masters and mistresses. For example, Captain Williams was a vicious and ruthless slave owner who had no qualms for the slaves. On the other hand, Mrs. Williams showed compassion and honor for these slaves. This is very significant for me because both had different relationships with the slaves. In addition, I am shock that Mrs. Williams died of an unknown disease. Also, Mary Prince was with sadness because Mrs. Williams was very pleasant and modest lady. After her death, Mary Prince meet a new slave owner, Master Benjy and a new mistress, Mrs. I. Furthermore, she meet Hetty, a Black French slave. Unlike Mrs. Williams, Mrs. I was brutal and sadistic mistress. For instance, she whipped Hetty who refused to perform her task. I feel appall at Mrs. I mistreatment on the slaves. This shows how masters and mistresses have different treatments on the slaves.