Breath, Eyes, Memory by Edwidge Danticat 28 ending

After reading the end of the story Breath, Eyes, Memory I reflect back on the events of the story and how i looked at each character is way different now. For example with matrine I used to not think much of her but after she died it really who her character was and what she was supposed to symbolize became more clear to me. It was very sad that she died the way she did and after all she had been through. Sophie matured a lot from this loss and the readers are able to see that she has alot of love for her mother despite not being able to show it before. Personally, I had a feeling something bad would happen to someone and I was thinking Tante Atie would be the unfortunate one but I felt bad for Matrine when I realized it was her that was gonna die. The section of the ending that mentioned “a place where wind blows through trees and it sounds like songs” was interesting and seemed very cryptic in my opinion.


breath, eyes, memory 20-27

In this section of the novel (20-27) sophie was still in haiti when i started reading again. She is still with Tante Atie and her grandmother too. They recive a casset player which is from Sophies mother and she is concerned on where sophie is and also lets her know that joseph is looking for her too. Sophie and atie reflect and think about the time they lost together. I was shocked to read the part about sophies mothers past, and it was more shocking to read that she tried to kill herself. At one point in the story, Sophie was talking with her family members about the tests women go through. Atie said each finger had a purpose and as she was naming off the purposes it started to remind me of the short story “Girl” by Jamaica Kincaid, based off the way that story was told and the way atie was speaking which was a nice connection.

breath eyes memory 13-19

in these chapters you see again that sophie has grown up more and has a child now. Sophies daughter is named Bridgette. Sophie is back in haiti to visit Tante Atie. It is a while before she sees Atie again and sophie is mostly talking with louise for a while about New york. Throughtout these chapters i realized some cryptic things were metioned about sophies child Bridgette like the comparrisons that were made with the baby and sophies mother. I was shocked personally but relfied too, to see that Tante Atie was still the exact same way, and it brought me back to the beginning of the novel the way she was talking to Sophie.

Breathe eyes memory 9-12

Sophie has got a lot of character development. she is beginning college. She mentioned not liking her Marantha Bilingual institution because of how bad the other kids treated her and still thinks about Tante Atie. Chapter 9 interested me alot seeing Sophies interactions with Joseph and hearing her thoughts. Sophie gradually seemed to really connect with Joseph and I think those moments show the major progression from the Sophie the novel starts off with to this 18 year old Sophie.  Another thing that stood out to me was Sophie lying to her mother about Joseph. This dissapointed her mom alot because she was forbidding her to talk to Joseph. I felt bad for sophie because she actually liked joseph alot but she had no choice because her mother wouldnt let them be friends. it brought me back earlier in chapter 9 too when Sophie and Joseph had a conversation about her college studying but Sophie was wanting to be a doctor because her mom said so despite her not being sure for herself.

Danticat blog 11 (5-8)

These chapters were interesting to me because I got to see what Sophie’s reactions were to meeting her mom for the first time. I felt as shocked as Sophie did when she saw her mom, by when she said “she looked different….” This was showing that Sophie expected to see her mom looking like the photo her aunt Atie had of her but when she saw her finally, she looked different. Sophie’s mom appeared to be looking not to healthy but she still seemed caring so it didnt matter for example she realized she forgot to bring sophie a jacket to keep warm when they go home from the air port,  so she takes her own coat off to give to sophie. that was a good moment i read because i felt like Sophie was about to be treated nicely despite leaving her aunt atie that she felt safe with.

Breathe, Eyes, Memory chapter 1-4 blog summary

The novel “Breath, Eyes, Memory” by Edwidge Danticat is about a girl named Sophie and she is the main character. Sophie is Haitian and she lives with her aunt Atie. Both Sophie and her aunt Atie live in Croix-des-Rosets, Haiti and also Sophie is 12. Although the story is just starting I noticed that the author is giving the reader a better idea of who these characters are and what they are even reading about. Continuing on that thought, what stood out to me the most is the mention that Atie can’t read because Danticat probably has this in not only to have it relate to the plot of the story some way, but also give more descriptions to her characters. Sophie tries to persuade Atie into taking the night classes that are offered at the school she herself attends but it never works because Atie just makes excuses about going. Sophie mom sends a ticket for her to come join her back in New York but Atie tries to keep this a secret because she is shocked she will lose the child she basically raised. Sophie finally finds out though and she is shocked herself but she literally doesnt have a choice and she has to get ready to leave.