Breathe Eyes Memory Chapter 1-4

We are introduced to two characters. Tantie Atie and Sophie, Sophie is Tante Atie’s niece. At the time she is young and living in the Caribbean. Sophie does not live with her mother. One piece which I found interesting was on Page 11. When the dialogue shifts into her thoughts. Sophie shifts into ” Tante Atie said that the way these potlucks started was really a long time ago in the hills.” This piece of dialogue is very interesting because Sophie seems to know so much about the culture of this place. It also describes that people would create this potluck in order to help each other out. This seems to help us understand the culture and the friendliness of the neighbors.

Breathe Eyes Memory 5-8

At this point Sophie has moved to The United States after a very bitter good bye to Antie Tate, and is now with her mother. Sophie then gets to know her mother and enters her apartment. Sophies first discover is a picture of her mother her and Tantie Atie. She says ” I did not look like them when I was a baby and I did not look like them now” This piece of text is important because it helps us understand that she is beginning to question her existence and foreshadowing the bitter truth about what her existence is about.

Mary Prince John Quito Page 41-end Blog #3

One excerpt which caught my attention is: “The narrative of Louis ASA-ASA” (don’t have exact paging E-version) is describing how the “adinyes” came into their home, killed, and burned everything. Asa-Asa through his short narrative describes how they invaded his home in explicit detail. They killed Asa-Asa village and then stole the people for trade or killed them, many children were killed because of their “uselessness”. This moment is extremely significant because his father was killed and the people who he knew were being killed for example he had a neighbor who couldn’t hold up his weight so he was killed. This also describes the hardships endure which helps us better understand Mary- Prince to show that she wasn’t the only person brutalized. This also helps understand how cruel the world was to the Slaves, Asa-Asa describes that people he knew were getting killed he describes people he knew getting killed while running away.

Mary Prince Blog Post #2 John Quito TUE-THUR

One of the points which strongly grabbed my attention is when after shortly returning from the Turks Islands she requests to leave Mr. D and wishes to go to Mr. Wood. Upon going to Mr. Wood she falls ill with rheumatism, and is of no use to Mr. Wood. Whilst she is ill they get a new woman to help them with nursing the child. The woman complains to the woman with out any reason about Mary Prince, and wants her to face repercussions. In short she is making Mary look bad so that she can be on top as lead mistress. This piece is very intriguing because she also colored, but free and its shocking to know that even other colored people wont help each other out, and would rather be above them by taking her position as mistress while she is down. This adds meaning to the text because one would expect colored people to help each other, and was quite unexpected and helps to shed a bit of light towards slavery in the Caribbean.

Mary Prince John Quito Tue- Thurs 10-11.30

One of the excerpts from Mary Prince which was most significant was when Mary Prince was a little girl. When she was a little girl she was faced with the hardships of being a slave in the 1800s. When she was a little girl her mom and her sisters were being sold off to other white people. The person who bought her was a captain who bought her for her granddaughter. This was significant because this showed how cruel and unjust the world was. It showed how cruel a person can be in terms of treating people. According to Mary the years spent as a pet to Betsey were the best years of her life. Betsey referred to her as “little nigger” and treated Mary like a dog. When Mary was sold off and separated from Miss Betsey she was devastated, because she knew that it was the best she was ever gonna get treated.