Breath Eyes & Memory. Chapter 1-4 ERamsay

Tante Atie reminds me of my grandmother and of Mama Yaya ( the knowlegdge part). I was so sad when Tante Atie was refusing the card that she made for her and insisted that it was for her mother.
Also when my father passed away, and he visited me in my dreams I always slept with my grandmother that always in some type of way knew I was having a ‘bad dream’ and woke me up in time like Tante Atie did.
Tante probably isn’t book smart but she seems like she is going to be real knowlegdable on lots of other things.

Tituba Chapter 5-7 Edelle Ramsay

When Tituba spoke about how she was taken back again to see another woman hung. I felt as if this young lady will always have a hard life. She witness her mother being hung and now to see another. Also Tituba being an outcast people of her own kind is frustrating. She already will have a hard life and time from the masters but to see that people that are just like her giving her a hard time with accepting her is annoying.

Tituba Post 1- Edelle R

The beginning of this book was quite shocking to read about Abena. In a kind of a way I was happy. She went out with her pride. Sad to hear about how she was hung, but it was in a kind of a way a proud moment. I also love how Tituba helped her mother out by following the instruction she was given. When mama Yaya introduced it instantly reminded me of the Jamaican girl poem we read. I am interested to learn more about this Mama Yaya character.

Chapter 8-12

I really cant stand the white people because they hate black people and they hate Jews. Any belief or religion that goes against them is wrong in their eyes. They use the bible as a powerful weapon and their payers. They got things all wrong. John Indian explains how he lives to please the white people. How he puts on a mask and make them think he is abiding by all their rules. John Indian is not to be trusted. I dont think he has a back bone.

Blog Post #2 History of Mary Prince. ERamsayy

It was empowering to hear when Mary stood up to master D. While reading the History of Mary prince in the sense I was longing to hear about a slave standing up to a master. Also I couldn’t imagine earning 20 cents a day for the amount of labor that Mary what endure. Now to hear that the $2.25 that she would make a week would go directly to the master is also one of the moment that pissed me off. Another part that was significant was when Mr. D have the gaul to saw that Mary could not be sold any master that would miss treat her. This was a moment of confusion because of the way he treated her and was concerned about how she was going to be treated by another master. Do Mr. D actually have a soft spot for Mary. I think not. !!!!!

History of Mary Prince Assignment 1 Pages 1-19 (EdelleRamsayy)

I’ve always heard about all the mistreatment that slaves endured, but not quite like this before.
While reading about Hetty and old Daniel I was in shock. I felt especially sorry for old Daniel.
to hear how he was beaten even though he was considered disabled made me feel so sad. The narrator
described the maggots in his is un-healed skin drew a gruesome image in my head. The slave owners or ‘masters’
as the narrator would call them had no empathy or compassion for the slaves. I tried to imagine myself
being punished like they were and then expected to do the labor assigned to them, but couldn’t. I wanted all the
‘masters’ to be as nice to the slaves as she was to the narrator. Also another part that stuck out to me was when
the brothers and sister of the narrator were being sold. Again, I tried to paint a picture as if it were an auction for humans. So far I’m enjoying this book because of course I would hear about the mistreatment but this narrator is doing a swell job of painting a picture in my head of how hard life was for the slaves.
