blog 12

what really interest me about this section was the scene when marine, sophie mother gave her the doll. i found it really disturbing for a grown women having this connection to a doll, but as i continue to read i realize that the doll symbolizes her strength, because of this doll it made her strong. because the doll symbolizes sophie, as she continue to work, sending money for sophie back home in haiti, the doll was a remembrance for why is she doing what she doing and it reminds her its all for her daughter, when sophie had came to new york, her mother gave her the doll to basically say that this doll got me through the rough times and i hand it over to you cause just as it got me through the rough times it will guide you as well, but what i don’t quite understand is why marine took back the doll from sophie when she found the mothers day card and that it might be for antie tatie?

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