Venice Golding- Mary Prince Post page 1-19

The moment in this text that I find interesting is when Mary Prince explains at the bottom of page 19 how she went back to Bermuda and was told that there is now a place that the slaves have built from boughs and leaves where they can now gather for prayers. The text had not mentioned that the slaves were allowed to pray or had gone as far as to designate a place to meet.For them prayer and gathering might had been their way to tolerate all the ill-treatment that they were facing and it was also a sense of hope for them.

Now I find this passage significant because one might argue and say that they were under slavery so they did not have the freedom to pray and gather in the manner that they wanted to. An example that adds to the meaning of this text is in today’s society where we don’t have this kind of cruelty and bondage going on yet there are people that still cannot express their beliefs and spirituality with complete freedom. For instance, just as though the “white people” pulled down the place the slaves built, today there are people of different races and background that go into others place of worship and torment them by burning down the building, defacing it or committing mass homicides.

Mary Prince John Quito Tue- Thurs 10-11.30

One of the excerpts from Mary Prince which was most significant was when Mary Prince was a little girl. When she was a little girl she was faced with the hardships of being a slave in the 1800s. When she was a little girl her mom and her sisters were being sold off to other white people. The person who bought her was a captain who bought her for her granddaughter. This was significant because this showed how cruel and unjust the world was. It showed how cruel a person can be in terms of treating people. According to Mary the years spent as a pet to Betsey were the best years of her life. Betsey referred to her as “little nigger” and treated Mary like a dog. When Mary was sold off and separated from Miss Betsey she was devastated, because she knew that it was the best she was ever gonna get treated.



A significant moment in the text is located in paragraph 8. Knowing that Malcolm X was a hustler in the streets he had no struggles. Not only was he a hustler to others but to society as well. Now that Malcolm X, is a prisoner at Norfolk Prison Colony. He struggles with comprehending the dictionary and the ability to write. Although Malcolm didn’t know how to write properly he doesn’t give up. In fact he hustles to gain proficiency in writing . Malcolm’s main goal is to be recognized to society and become articulate in writing . In order to gain recognition he reads from the dictionary allowing him to gain  the ability to write proficiently. Thus preventing him from being alienated from society. In relation to the text and as to why I chose to write about this significant moment. It reminded me of my junior year  and  how I struggled with mathematics ( geometry) in other words. I didn’t want to be viewed like an idiot by the students and  teachers. I wanted to be known as a student with full potential. I managed to hustle my way through to gain it. In order for me to gain proficiency in geometry I had to keep on practicing and asking for extra work. I also took practice examinations to see if I improved and I eventually did. The teachers were surprised by my grades and test scores. Also in today’s society many diverse state prisons have many uneducated prisoners because they don’t have access to books.

Reading Response Assignment



  1. You will be required to write a short 150 word minimum response every time we read a new text. These must be posted to our openlab site before the beginning of the class for which the reading is due.
  • Note: As a final step, you should make sure to categorize your blog post before publishing.

Reading Response Assignment


Your response should do the following:

  1. Identify a significant moment in the text and summarize it in one or two sentences.
  2. Explain why you picked this moment. In other words why is the moment significant? Why did it stand out for you?
  3. How does this moment add to the meaning of the text?

Some reasons a moment might be significant are:

  • It helps you better understand the author’s point. If this is the case, explain what it helps you understand, how it relates to the author’s point, and why it is central to the reading.
  • It reminds you of something else you have read, seen, or learned. If this is the case, tell about what it reminds you of, how it is similar, how it is different, and what the connection between the two things helps you understand.
  • It raises a question or questions for you. If this is the case, say what question/questions it raises for you. Then try to answer your own question or explain how this question challenges or expands on an idea in the reading.

Note: These are just some possible reasons a moment might be significant for you. You can certainly pick a moment for other reasons and I encourage you to do so. But regardless of why you select a moment, you must go beyond a superficial reason for picking those sentences and write a developed response that engages with the text. Notice how the examples above list several questions you might answer about why you pick a moment.

How is the response graded?

Response blogs are NOT graded based on the accuracy of your understanding of the text, or on your grammar and writing style. They are graded based on the thoroughness of your analysis. The individual responses and comments will not be graded with letters, but with a point system. You can get a maximum of three points and will receive a zero if you fail to post.

  • 1 point: The student did not thoughtfully or analytically discuss the text. The student may have also posted an underdeveloped or superficial entry.
  • 2 points: The student submitted a well developed entry that thoughtfully analyzes and responds to the text.
  • 3 points: The student’s discussion of the text is analytical, thoughtful, thorough, and insightful.