blog 2 (sean)

Reading page 20 to 40 was a real eye opener to me of the type of person Mary really was, in some cases she remind me of a early rosa parks, she stands up for what she believes in. As Mary strive to find her to way to freedom. It is clear that she is not just fighting for herself but she is also fighting for race. Mary has genuine love for people. And she just don’t fight for freedom, but she is fighting for freedom for all. Not to just abolish slavery, but freedom for the whites to see there worth, freedom for equality. Freedom for a better life, And she believe it start with her race coming together. Coming together to make a difference and off the record what really open my eye is the fact that as the black culture came together for freedom through the love of each other, but somewhere along the way to modern time we kinda lost where we came from and instead of keep fighting for the better. together, we continue to fight each other, kill each other, and forget how we made it in the first place was through the love of one another that I see in Mary as a person, Mary character as a person really influence me because it shows me that u might be going through rough times, but your not the only one, there are many people around that can be going through the same thing so why talk only for yourself and not of all. Mary prince

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