blog 1 (sean)

Reading the first 20 pages of Mary prince and listening to her story of hard labor, the physical and mental punishment she went through as a slave really touched me, and brought back flashbacks of my past. Mary prince in some cases has lived the saying we have heard over the years. That “the grass is not always so greener on the other side”. In the book Mary explains how she was with a wonderful family that took her in to be the companion for they daughter Betsy until Mrs. Williams had pass away and the former husband of Williams had found a new wife, but needed money for the wedding so he decided to sell Mary, her mother, and sisters, Mary was then bought by captain I where she was treated very cruel where as when she was living with her former master and mistress she was treated with love well at less that’s what it sounded like cause we can also make the prediction as the reader that maybe marry was just too young to start getting treated cruel like she was treated further into her story, but moving on, Mary was treated so bad by captain I the pain was unbearable. She was wiped many times and punished until she felt like giving up on everything, unable to bare the pain Mary had ran away from her master and eager to find a new one where she realized that the grass is not always greener on the other side, thereafter Mary was then bought by captain D captain D was a very cold hearted guy and he made marry worked for hours in the salt water pond where she eventually got sick where it affected her joints, but captain D wanted his slaves to do nothing but work and when they failed to do so he would whoop them, hereafter Mary might have realized that the grass is not greener on the other side. This part of Mary life really touched/ influenced me because for almost my entire life I lived with my father back in Jamaica while my mother was living in the U.S. Trying to build a better life for me, but life with my farther did not seem like life at all. My farther would come home drunk on many nights and he would beat on me, punch me. I was fat as a child and he would tease me I was so abuse as a child that I start to forget who “I Am”. I can remember the moment like it was yesterday. I would hear him coming up the steps and I would run into the closet and hide cause of the fear he will beat on me. Unable to take the pain. I reached out to my mother and told her of the situation. But she seem to b in disbelief and told me I’m crazy, so I decided to reach out to other family member. Determined to move away from my farther and came to find out that the grass is truly not greener on the other side when my uncle decided to take me in. I thought it would be a great idea seeing that that we had a nice relationship as a child but surprisingly my uncle was a drunk as well and he would beat on me worst than my farther did

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