Our overall goal is to present an afterschool activity that can benefit students over the course of time. By introducing them to computer skills such as programming, creating 2D and 3D models, animation, as well as writing through storytelling. Introducing these skills early can greatly benefit students if they so choose to pursue a career within the field of computer systems. Through game design, we exercise the thought of design thinking, meaning that students come together as components in order to achieve a common goal. According to several articles, there are studies that show students who study game design learn important life skills such as critical thinking, creative thinking, social skills, math and writing skills, and having meaningful group conversations with one another just to name a few.
We believe that instituting this club can have significant educational benefits for students who show interest in computers and creative thinking. In the long run, having these skills they learn from this program under their belts looks great on a portfolio or resume as well as their student record when looking for colleges after high school, as well as applying for scholarships. It will open many doors to students as they begin to discover the different career paths they can pursue within the field of computer systems and the knowledge to back it up, building both their confidence and productivity.