Welcome to the class blog! Occasionally I will upload documents on the blog here. I might also use Open Lab to alert you to a canceled class or about extra credit, so having an account is very important (and, besides that, is a requirement of this class)!
Today’s assignment is listed below. Please note that I will often upload assignments here or list them for your convenience. I will also list homework here. The homework directions will always be clear and complete and include a due date. To receive full credit on assignments and homework, you must follow all directions and turn it in on the due date.
- Join the OpenLab.
https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/ is the OpenLab website.- You can click the sign up button on the left side or along the top bar (or just click the bolded words in this sentence)
- https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/fox021wspring2017/ is our class website. (That’s where we are right now.)
- Join our class page
- You can search by clicking courses on the main OpenLab page and then on the far right, search for the keywords: ESOL 021W Spring).
- Click what comes up and then join the site.
- From there, you can click Visit Course Site or follow the link directly to the blog above and:
- Comment on this post with
- Your name (and nickname, if you would prefer to be called by one)
- Something interesting about yourself
- What you hope to gain or accomplish by taking this class
When you create an OpenLab account, it will ask you to fill out some information about yourself. Please use your actual name or nickname given in class as your display name.
After you create an account, don’t forget to add the course and comment on this post by clicking the grey words saying “leave a reply” at the top!
This assignment is due by the beginning of class on Tuesday. No credit will be given to posts made after 2:30pm on Tuesday.
Additional Note:
These are the books you need for this class. Buying them is a requirement:
NorthStar Reading & Writing level 5, 4th ed by Cohen & Miller ISBN: 978-0-13-338224-2
Understanding and Using English Grammar, 4th ed. by B. Azar, R. Koch & S. Hagen Pearson Longman Press ISBN: 978-0-132415439