Website it and Blog it : U3/Ch2

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  • Website it and Blog it : U3/Ch2
  • #13222

    Kazi Naznin

    The Green movement is a grate idea not just for the company, but the state, the city, people and the government. According to Dannielle report, this green movement create thousands jobs, society can get more fresh food, and that’s how government can make money.
    this is a nice idea to have develop some vegetable garden on your on rooftop.


    Minyu Chen

    Website it.

    Sustainable agriculture is the act of farming using principles of ecology, the study of relationships between organisms and their environment. It has so many benefit. It satisfies human food and fiber needs, increases environmental quality, and increases the quality of life for farmers and society as a whole. It is also a main source of the economic.

    Blog it.

    I think that Green Movement is very important because it has changed the environmental history and the world. It addressed the environmental issues to us. because the costs of environmental would be the downfall of our society. Such as disease, the destruction of forests, widespread air and water pollution. Unless we solve that problem, so that we can have a better life. Green Movement brings us this opportunity to live better.


    Hi Minyu and Kazim,

    Please post the rest of the homework.
    Prof. A.

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