Blog Post 9: Earning Experience to get where you want to

I have heard from most people that to get into what you really want to do the first step is simply just getting your foot on the door in something similar or in the industry. For example Alex Ross, a comic book artist got to become one by initially being a graphic designer. The idea is to always be working until you reach the position you want in similar fields. I have always heard this everywhere that talks about getting a job in the field you desire. The current job I have here at Essen Healthcare is a job that I will have even after this semester and hopefully when I graduate. at the end of this semester.

I currently am a part time employee because of attempting to earn my degree and hope to finish by the end of this semester. I’m currently taking internship, Senior Project, and Portfolio. I will most likely be full time when I’m finished with school. I hope to keep learning here, and to eventually keep improving my Illustration on the side to have a position in gaming and working on video game projects.