Considering that at Essen the team is made up of 2 Graphic Designers which includes myself. It is very different from what I expect and was tough in school at least compared to what I assume it is like working in a more dedicated Agency. While me and my co worker usually need to come up with everything from scratch based on what is asked for by our supervisor. We need to come up with copy, design, how we go about it etc. I would believe that in an agency or from my experience in class assignments I have usually obtained a brief. that includes what is needed, copy, expected tone, target audience, and the overall scope of the assignment.
So at first I was confused on how to go about things. Especially with my designs. Over time I got used to it. With my co worker helping me out whenever I reached a mental block, or just giving me knowledge on things I can do that I previously did not know before.
Comparing this workplace to my understanding based on what I would think a dedicated graphic design studio would be compared to being a direct employee to Essen Healthcare as a graphic designer/ marketing person. From what I understand Design Agency would normally be more high pressure, direct with what is needed, based on clients. I feel like here I’m learning at a more comfortable pace.