Journal 3: Work Culture at Alexapath

Alexapath is located in a shared workspace with other companies:

The big office where Alexapath shares a workspace with other companies in a building in brooklyn

It is a laid back environment which really works out for me because every week my schedule is different because of extra curricular activities, school projects, and life at home. I can come into the office at anytime which is really good because I take my siblings to school in the morning and depending on how early or late they take to get ready for school they sometimes slow me down in getting down to BK in time.

This is where I sit to do my work.

my desk at alexapath

Journal 6 Networking Event 1

I’ve had an internship before Alexapath. I am the Communications Manager at Harold Hunter Foundation. I help manage the creative interns and also produce content for their social media and fundraisers. HHF introduced different filmmakers to skaters. We talked about filmmaking in regards to skateboarding and then filmed for an entire week at a skate camp up in Pennsylvania. Here is a video recap. PS you can see me in it!

A screenshot of me (muhammad) in the video

Journal 2: My role at Alexapath

My role in Alexapath as a graphic designer involves a bunch of tasks. At first it was taking over a previous intern’s work handling print materials such as their brochure and packaging. The company also asked me to take a look at their web app and come up with a better solution for UX/UI for the app. After fixing the printing issues of their brochure and trying to tackle the next things they wanted me to do I realized they didnt have a solid style guide and a consistent folder of all their graphic assets. Their current style guide was missing many key points of a style guide. Since Alexapath is a small startup with laid back CEO’s I proposed to instead of working on what they set out for me to work on I wanted to layout the foundation for their design so that any designer can come in and know where to pull information from all in one guide. So I started a new  style guide which not only included their logo and colors but included the icons for the various products they offer, the colors for all their assets, typeography, and about section for the company and their products.

There are two people who I see when I’m in the office:

Photo of Dhaval Palsana CTO/Co-Founder, India Photo of Louis Auguste CEO/Co-Founder

I directly answer to Louis as my supervisor.

I didnt have an internship when the class started. I landed an internship in week 5 through a recommendation from a friend, Mijori. I was able to get an interview for an internship with Alexapath. I got the position after the end of the interview. Louis and I clicked during the interview, we have similar backgrounds of family being from Haiti, our views on humanitarianism, and the passion of digital arts such as filmmaking. He also liked my online portfolio as well. During the interview he described the company and what they need as in regards to graphic design. The questions he had were if I would be able to handle any of the before mentioned tasks and if I had any experience with similar tasks. Thankfully I have experience matching the tasks because of classes, previous internships, my position at the school paper,  NTT.


Journal 1: Alexapath

I didnt have an internship when the class started. I landed an internship in week 5 through a recommendation from a friend, Mijori. I was able to get an interview for an internship with Alexapath.

  • I’ve only met two people. I met two of the three founders.
  • It is a private company
  • Alexapath makes hardware and software to help pathologists make diagnoses easier. They also also make affordable solutions for pathologists in underdeveloped countries.
  • Their clients include schools, pathologists, and medical institutions.
  • The company started in 2016
  • Since the company is a startup company. I have been asked to work on their print brochures, ad campaign, and UX/UI of their web app.
  • – This article talks about how Alexapath is bringing something new to the healthcare business in underdeveloped countries such as India and Haiti.
  • – The article shows different promosing prototypes from diff companies. it showcases Alexapath’s prototype ADA which converts  a microscope into a mobile-enabled whole slide imaging device.