On our last visit to the BHS, my group read a little bit of the many pieces of writing that Gabriel Furman did during his time. He wrote a lot about what he saw happening around the world at any given moment. He reported anything he saw important enough to be known in the future. Our group read a little about the diseases that spread around New York at the time. The diseases in that time killed about fifteen hundred people and this amount was like 1/17 of the total population in New York.
While we were reading we also noticed that he had inserted little notes in his books to update the information he had written down before. The right page on the book shows an example of this as it can be seen that he has updated this portion of his writing with a little note taped on top of the original text. At the end of the paragraph he would write something like an A and at the beginning of the new edited information he would write the same A to show that the paragraph continues on the little note.
This last visit didn’t feel like the last visit and i hope there could be more because all the times we had to go there were fun and time passed by too quickly.