Searching and Obtaining an Internship #1

Illustrations by hoangpts

I’ve been a design student for many years, but the truth is I haven’t really had any exposure to any jobs in the industry before this semester started. Since I had never had such experience, I decided to ask my professors for help.

After a few contacts, professor gave me a lot of guidance, not only on how to find internship opportunities, but also on how to create job opportunities for myself in the future, as well as some precautions at the beginning of my career. Finally I decided to apply to an educational institution company.

This is a company run by our college staff that specializes in a range of advocacy and influence handling within the college. I decided to take advantage of this opportunity because I like photography and image processing very much. At the same time, I can really apply what I learned in school to real life. So I started putting together my portfolio and updating my resume to get ready for this opportunity. Hope my first internship goes well!

Translation and audio generated by software.