Ethics in Graphic Design – 1

Work ethic, Image by twenty20photos

Design ethics means that, as creators, we have to take into account that our work is intended for the general public and will be criticized by others. So in the works with characters, we need to be responsible to the models. The most basic thing is to get the model’s permission first, make sure they know how their image will be used.

For my internship, I’ve been doing photo shoots for some events of people and things. Under the guidance of my supervisor, I will ask and obtain the permission of people and subject before shooting, because some people may not want to appear in the promotional photos, so I must communicate in advance before shooting.

  • MURABAYASHI, ALLEN. “Are You an Ethical Photographer?” PetaPixel, 11 May 2019,
  • Edmonds, Sam. “The Ethical Photographer.” Capture Magazine, 6 Feb. 2020,


After reading O’Connell’s article, I have some new understandings about signing an employment agreement. Signing such an agreement is not only about some conditions and benefits that the company promises to employees, it is a work relationship between the company and the employee that determines the working relationship and clarifies both parties in agreement of rights and obligations. At the same time, the employment agreement is bilateral and can be negotiated. It is binding on both parties and cannot be changed unilaterally after it is signed. Therefore, before signing the agreement, we need to read the agreement carefully. If there is any dissatisfaction, we can communicate in time, and we cannot blindly sign the employment agreement.

During my internship, I did not sign any non-disclosure agreement. First of all, because the department I work in is affiliated to the college, all works will eventually be directed to all teachers and students of the school and the public, so there is no confidentiality of any project. But I believe that in my future career, I will sign a company non-disclosure agreement, because this is the behavior of protecting company property, as a creator, I can understand the preciousness of data and materials.

On the other hand, when it comes to fonts and logos, I follow the college’s Designer Handbook. Because these elements are the basis for the design of the college, they cannot be arbitrarily modified.

  • Dodd, Savannah. “Photography Ethics and Why They Matter.” Photography Ethics Centre, Photography Ethics Centre, 27 Jan. 2022,,person’s%20life%20experience%20and%20values.
  • O’Connell, Brian. “What Is an Employment Agreement?” TheStreet, TheStreet, 28 May 2019,