Training day 3, June 11

What did you learn today?

Today I learned hot to write an email properly for the client. I think it is very important for us to practice that.

Any suggestions or feedback you want to give to the trainer? 

I think you guys are very helpful, your critique helped me a lot!

Do you think any difference to you, between first of training and today?

The difference I noted between the first day of training and today is that I am more confident about what I do.

4 thoughts on “Training day 3, June 11

  1. Thank you for taking our suggestions professionally every time. Next time just try to show us fewer sketches or drafts. Ideally, pick your favorite 2-3 designs. That would be better.

  2. Hi Aracely,
    So glad to hear your confidence is growing! You’re doing really nice work, and I’m looking forward to seeing your next project.

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