Mid Semester Reflection

Have you come across any challenging projects this semester, whether it was a class project or a project with FC? How did you accomplish the project?

I create a autobiographical comic page for my Illustration 3 class. It was a much harder and longer project than my classmates and I expected. Trying to put all the pieces together of what the copy was going to be and how to lay it out was very difficult and time consuming. I struggled a lot with what to write about, thinking it wasn’t interesting enough, and then had a hard time with how to draw it so it wouldn’t be boring.

I spoke with my professorĀ about my struggles and he gave me some encouragement to just write and draw it as I liked and not about if people would enjoy it. Working first on the story and script helped me figure out how to design it. It also helped to cut out panels that weren’t necessary. Planning the text before designing was a huge time saver and helped me figure out the overall page.

What project(s) did you enjoy working us thus far during this semester?

I really enjoyed working on the film screening poster I did for African-American Studies department with Professor Bennett. It was more of a chance to use my skills as a illustrator to come up with a quick concept and design. It was also a topic I enjoyed and happy to see the school was sharing with the student body.

Make a goal that you want to accomplish by the end of the semester.

My goal is to finish all of my class projects, and FC projects on time and be able close off the projects with my clients successfully.

2 thoughts on “Mid Semester Reflection

  1. I have to say the illustration work I have seen you do for Faculty Commons and school is really cool and inspiring. I haven’t done as much illustrating recently as I would like to and seeing your work definitely encourages me to do more. I am highly interesting in seeing the finished outcome of your class project. I hope you stay encouraged to continue producing work that you like and have a passion for.

  2. I have been particularly impressed with your client relationship building skills. The contracts that you have developed and how to complete your deliverables in a most professional manner are impressive.

    I appreciate how you created the poster for Women’s history month, especially the way your researched your subject. It was thorough and effectively captured the persona of the Honorable Shirley Chisholm.
    Consider how illustration can be a part of the Women in Stem work that you are doing with Marlon. How illustration and photography can complement each other.

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