Training Day 6

Wednesday, January 12, 2016

What did I Learn?

Today I learned how to brain storm ideas and how to present ideas to clients.

What were my challenges?

My challenge today was speaking in-front of clients and ending the meeting with questions and comments.

How did we help each other?

Arianna and Mandy helped me with questions and comments in client meeting.

3 thoughts on “Training Day 6

  1. Client meetings are presentations. Everything you learned in public speaking applies to client meetings. You are expected to set the tone— cordial and welcoming. And take charge of the meeting. You are expected to have an outline with stated goal/s. Use your contract as a reference tool in your preparation. It is important to practice your presentation out loud.

    Develop the outline: introduction and overview with stated goal
    list order of presentation
    summary and next steps

    Part of the preparation is setting up the environment so that you can make eye contact with the client. Where do you suggest the client is seated so that you can have a productive presentation. What visuals are needed?
    How are they organized so the client can follow along and understand the choices that are being presented?

    Listen carefully to the client and take note of what they prefer.
    Follow up with an email that summarizes your understanding of next steps, any decisions that were made, any adjustments to the contract, etal.

    Reflect on what aspects of the presentation went well; what challenges you faced and how you can redirect and refine your presentation skills for the next client meeting.

    Caution: We all use “you guys” as part of our everyday speech. That phrase does not have a place in a formal presentation. What does?

  2. Like Prof. Jordan said above, it is important to have the goal and outline written out so you don’t forget any important discussions.

    For presentation, it is important to be clear and direct. Good ways to present include: having slides on the large screen to show your concepts in an organized manner, posting the sketches (maybe bigger sketches next time) on the wall so you can point to them, AND it would be helpful to have a handout for everyone in the meeting to keep or write notes on. Just like how a professor would give handouts in the beginning of class for his/her lesson. To reinforce the ideas or let the client(s) look back at what you presented.

    You were confident about your concepts today, good job! It can be improved over time. Reflect back to your speech class (if you took it already) and how you would prepare for a speech or presentation beforehand. Also, look online for resources if that helps! There’s a bunch of resources online.

  3. This probably was the most overwhelming day ever but it went well in the end. Your presentation went well but a few things to keep in mine.

    Public speaking is an essential skill. As a spoken word artist, I know that is very essential for you. Be straight to the point and leave out unnecessary words such as ” you know” and “you guys”. The more you practice that and have that not in mind. The better you get. It takes time but I know you will get the hang of it throughout the semester.

    Your presentation what great but keep in mind that the way present your concepts is important. Your ideas were great but make sure that they can see it. Even if it was on white print paper or sketch paper would have been great.

    Side Note:
    Something I tell myself to do everyday is “to always be prepared”. Its a pretty simple saying but for me it goes a long way. Clients walk in the office any day. You honestly never know. They can pop in to check how everything is going or a quick hello. But referring to your presentation, organize everything. It will benefit your client and yourself.

    Hopefully that made sense.

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