To do list (07/16/2013)

+ Start reading the papers you picked up and want to read.
+ Start making a schedule (this summer) for the research plan.
+ Start developing a CAD model of the bike with ERS from your hand drawing.

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4 Responses to To do list (07/16/2013)

  1. Randal, please update what you have done and not done yet. Thanks.

  2. Randal says:

    I have completed the schedule for the bicycle project and I have begun reading the reports that I have printed. I will post the schedule shortly.

  3. Randal says:



    1. Draw several concepts on paper with dimensions and specifications.

    2. Determine the best concept to focus on.

    3. Create a digital replication of the selected concept using a computer program (AutoCAD, Solidworks, or Pro Engineer).

    4. Attempt to make a live model of the concept (either large scale or small scale).

    5. Analyze it’s efficiency and practicality.

  4. Thank you. Please decide the schedule. When you want to finish each process? For example, No 1 will finish by this weekend, No2 will have to be done by the end of July etc. Also include reading papers, otherwise this intern will be just “hobby” project.

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