Randal Umpierre



Literature Review 3

Introduction of a new Energy Recovery System – Optimized for the combination with renewable energy by Kay Paulsen, and Frank Hensel

This article is about introducing a new energy recovery system into existing technologies while reducing costs and maintaining sustainability.  The main technology that this system would be installed into would be wind turbines and wind energy converters with desalination plants.  An organization known as ENERCON has created such a system primarily for remotely populated areas and independently isolated islands worldwide.  It was named the ‘ENERCON Stand Alone System’, and arrangements were made with the Norwegian government to install it on the island of Utsira in 2004.  This system was designed as a cleaner power resource to replace the use of diesel fuel consuming power stations which emit more toxic chemicals into the atmosphere and neighboring aquatic regions.  The wind turbine in the system uses existing infrastructure and offers a diesel consumption saving of up to ninety percent, depending on the force of the wind.  ENERCON also proposes to implement a voltage regulation system and a flywheel storage system into the stand-alone system.  The voltage regulation system will control the voltage outputs and the flywheel storage system will control the frequency.  The flywheel storage system has the potential of controlling the frequency stably for long periods of time.  This is important because there are always wind fluctuations that could last for long periods of time as well.  The use of batteries and electrolysers as auxiliary fail-safe options are also being considered.

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