Final Portfolio


You will create an Openlab portfolio to catalog your work over the course of the semester. This is a good way to track your own progress and reflect on the work we are doing in class. Your portfolio should reflect your work, your learning, and your growth over the semester. When we meet to determine your grade at the end of the semester, we will use your learning portfolio as one of the methods to judge how much your have learned over the course of the semester.

The Details

For this project you will make an Openlab portfolio and create a page for every project we do in class. You should also create a page for you to write your self-assessment for the semester.

Checklist for your reference:

  • Create an Openlab portfolio
  • Create a page for each learning outcome listed on page 2 of the syllabus
    • For each learning outcome, select a few examples of your work from this semester that demonstrates how well you have learned that material and write a summary of your knowledge on the topic
    • Here are a few ways to show your learning (these are not the only ways)
      • Display a project with errors and explain what they are and how to fix them
      • Display a before and after project which shows the corrections you’ve made
      • Show early projects and later projects and write a few paragraphs that explain what you learned between the two projects
    • On its own page, write an overall self-assessment of your learning for the semester, which considers the following questions:
      • What have you learned this semester?
        • identify 2 or 3 major things, don’t just list every tool name you learned
      • How will you apply what you have learned?
      • When will you apply what you have learned?
      • What questions do you still have about any topics we have already covered so far?
      • How would you rate your current level of mastery of the course material?
        • Are you comfortable with all the material and ready to move on?
        • Are you mostly good, but have a few lingering questions?
        • Are you totally lost?
      • Have you completed all of the reading assignments? Why or why not?
      • Have you completed all of the homework assignments? Why or why not?
      • Are you satisfied with your attendance in the class? Why or why not?
      • Based on what you learned this semester, what will you do differently in your future classes and professionally?