Category Archives: Uncategorized

End of Semester Timeline

All, here is an update on the final few days of class. Thursday, December 10 – Review for Test 2. Be sure to bring in notes, books, and any questions you may have about the test. You can find the … Continue reading

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Tool Research for the “Shop Outfitting” Assignment

Below is a list of popular tool companies to find tools for your project. I would look through these companies websites just to see what is available on the market.  If you find a tool through your research that looks interesting, … Continue reading

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Work Calls

The Red text didn’t show up that well on my camera, but here are the notes from the discussion about work calls.

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Bad Work Calls

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Midterm Study Guide

Everyone, here’s the study guide we’ll be going over tomorrow for Thursday’s test. I’ll have paper copies tomorrow, but you might want to take a look tonight. ENT 2210-Test 1 Outline

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Wizard of OZ tornado scene

Today in class, John referenced the tornado scene in the wizard of OZ and below is a video showing what exactly he is was referring to. If you skip to around 2:47, and look closely to the left side of the … Continue reading

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Jig Project

The jig project handout had been posted here.

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New Book, New Syllabus

Hi all. So, the reason that we have been having trouble getting the Bill Raoul book is that a new edition was just released (unfortunately after the semester started). The new edition is now available, and I have updated the … Continue reading

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CNC Table Saw

So, what do you think? Overkill?

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Thurs 9/17 Tool Quiz

A. Circular saw B. Trammel Points C. Speed Square D. Jigsaw E. Ratcheting Socket Handle F. Claw Hammer G. Flat Bar H> Heat Gun

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