IV. Cause and Effect

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11/2 – 11/23

Inferential thinking is both the art and the science of abstracting meaning from phenomena. It is a critical thinking skill necessary for success in every occupation and profession. An essential component of inferential reasoning is identifying cause and effect relationships. This unit focuses on exploring and composing essays about cause and effect relationships. It begins with an overview of cause and effect essays, one of the most common genres of essays, required in a wide range of disciplines and related occupations. First there is the opportunity to identify and “parse” cause and effect relationships in articles and videos that explore topics related to themes assigned at the beginning of the term. Complete one “Cause and Effect Worksheet” for each assigned article and/or video. Use the worksheets in whole class and small group discussions.

Use the “Cause and Effect Planning Worksheet” to develop the required three to five page Cause and Effect Essay for this unit. Bring the completed worksheet to class to use in brainstorming in class discussions. Feel free to submit the worksheet to writing consultants and/or the instructor for feedback while progressing from brainstorming, to researching, to outlining and to drafting the cause and effect essay. For more about cause and effect essays, click on the link below.


Cause and Effect Essays

The due dates for  the following articles and videos are listed in the Unit Schedule, at the end of this unit.


Abrahamian, Atossa Araxia, “Saving the Sacred Cow. Yanis VarouFakis’s Vision for a More   Democratic Europe”

CNN, “China Stock Market Crash”

Lipak, Adam, “Supreme Court Upholds Ohio’s Purge of Voting Rolls”

Staples, Brent, “Just Walk on By…”

Staples, Brent, “What Happens to Prince’s Estate without a Will?

Weiser, Benjamin, “Trial by Jury, a Hallowed Tradition is Dying”


Bell, Christopher, “Bring on the Female Superheroes!”

Green, Yasmin, “How Technology can Fight Extremes and Online Harrassment”

Margonelli Lisa, “The Political Chemistry of Oil”

Miller, Yvonne, “Making Inferences”

Raman, Aaswath, “How We can Turn the Cold of Outer Space into a Remarkable Resource”


Articles and videos

Each assigned article (or video) deals with one or more relationships between causes and effects. Once you have identified a particular problem or situation, identify causes and effects of this problem. This worksheet assists with teasing out such relationships. In column #1, list various causes and/or effects associated with the problem being examined. In column #2, across from each cause or effect, explain in detail the evidence [from the article or video] that such relationships exist. To access the worksheet, click on the link below. Use the completed worksheet in small group and whole class discussions,


Cause/effect essay planning worksheet

The cause and effect essay is to deal with relationships between one or more problems and several causes and effects of the problem. Once the problem to be explored is selected, this worksheet can be used during the brainstorming phase of composing the essay. Write the problem being explored in the space provided at the top of the worksheet. In column #1, list various causes and/or effects associated with the problem being examined. In column #2, across from each cause or effect, explain in detail the evidence from your research that such relationship exist. Use the worksheet in small group and whole class discussions. It can also be  used in discussions with writing consultants and with the instructor.


Cause/Effect Essay Assignment Description


INSTRUCTIONS: For the Cause and Effect essay, discuss three causes and/or effects of the problem or topic examined in essays #1 and #2. Select either one aspect of the problem and discuss three effects or one effect of the problem and discuss multiple causes. The essay can also deal with a combination of causes and effects.

Be sure to include:

  • information from at least two professional journal articles;
  • MLA in-text citations where appropriate;
  • A Works Cited Page.

Possible Outline

    1. Lead In (Description of the Problem)
    2. Thesis Statement (Significance of the Problem)
    3. Itinerary (Brief statement of Causes and/or Effects)
  2. BODY
      1. Supportive Evidence #1
      2. Supportive Evidence #2
      3. Supportive Evidence #3
      1. Supportive Evidence #1
      2. Supportive Evidence #2
      3. Supportive Evidence #3
      1. Supportive Evidence #1
      2. Supportive Evidence #2
      3. Supportive Evidence #3


Unit Three Schedule

Date Topic Assignment
11/2 Cause/Effect Essay Cause and Effect Essays
11/7 Parsing Causal Relationships Staples, Brent, “Just Walk on By: A Black Man Ponders His Ability to Alter Public Space”

Cause/Effect Worksheet

11/9 Drawing Inferences Miller, Yvonne, “Making Inferences”

CNN, “China Stock Market Crash”

11/14 Small Group Collaborations Miller, Yvonne, “Making Inferences”

CNN, “China Stock Market Crash”

China Market Effects on U.S. Stocks

Cause/Effect Worksheet for Stock Market Causes and Effects

11/16 Inductive Reasoning (Data) Completed Cause/Effect Essay Planning Worksheets
11/21 Outlining Cause/Effect Essays

Small Group Collaborations

Completed Cause/Effect Planning Worksheets
11/23 Unit Summary Essay Three Due