Note to instructors: Replace “Day One” and “Day Two” with M/W or T/Th.

Students! Make sure you ALWAYS check the main website for further info! This is just meant to give you a broad overview, but you will need to check the assignment page for detailed descriptions of the assignment, as well as updates. 

Unit 1 Due: (Week 6 Day One)

Unit 2 Due:(Week 10 Day Two)

Unit 3 Due: (Week 14 Day One)

Final Portfolio Due:


Week 1: Aug 25-27

(Class meets once this week)

         HW Day One: 

  • READ: Three short articles about tips for online learning success
  • WRITE: 300 word blog post about feelings regarding online learning
  • REPLY to two other students’ blog posts 

Week 2: Aug 30-Sept 2

         HW Day One:

  • READ: “How to Read Like a Writer” by Mike Bunn
  • WRITE: 300 word response to Bunn article on Open Lab
  • Sign up for Perusall

         HW Day Two:

  • READ AND ANNOTATE: “Mother Tongue” and “Maybe I Could Save Myself by Writing”
  • WRITE: 250 Word Response about the genre of the education narrative           

Week 3: Sept 3-9

(Only Thurs- Sat  classes meet)

         HW Day One:  Because only Thursday classes meet, I am leaving this up to instructors.

Week 4: Sept 13-14

(Classes meet only once this week)

         HW Day One: 

  • REVIEW: Slide show on paragraphs
  • WRITE blog post describing one specific incident that changed your views on education.

Week 5: Sept 20-24

         HW Day One:

  • READ: “Shitty First Drafts” by Anne Lamott
  • WRITE: a “Shitty First Draft” (SFD) of Unit One. At least 800 words

         HW Day Two:

  • Finish Unit One 


Week 6: Sept 27-Oct 1

Unit One Due 

         HW Day One:

  • READ AND ANNOTATE: “A Talk to Teachers” by James Baldwin
  • WRITE: Blog post responding to Baldwin


         HW Day Two:

  • READ AND ANNOTATE: “Research Starts with a Thesis Statement” (from Bad Ideas about Writing) and “Schools are Killing Curiosity”
  • WRITE: A 300 word blog post about curiosity. What are YOU curious about?

Week 7: Oct 4-8

         HW Day One:

  • WRITE: a 400 Word introduction to your reflective annotated bibliography

         HW Day Two:

  • WRITE: Your first source entry. Make sure you include a “quote sandwich.”  

Week 8: Oct 12-15

(No Monday classes)

         HW Day One:

  • READ: “Navigating Genres” by Kerry Dirk
  • WRITE: response to Dirk 
  • GATHER: more sources

         HW Day Two:

  • READ: “The Art of Quoting” by Graff and Birkenstein
  • WRITE: Second source entry

Week 9: Oct 18-22

         HW Day One:

  • WRITE: Third (and final) source entry
  • WRITE: Conclusion

         HW Day Two:

  • WRITE: Reflection 

Week 10: Oct 25-28

(Midterm grades due to students Oct 28)

         HW Day One: 



HW Day Two:

  • READ:  “Annoying Ways People Use Sources” by Kyle Steadman
  • WRITE: Response of 300 words to Steadman

Week 11: Nov 1-5

         HW Day One:

  • WRITE:  proposal for Unit 3

         HW Day Two:

  • COMMENT: on peers’ proposals
  • FINISH: “know your publication/ know your genre” questions

Week 12: Nov 8-12

         HW Day One:

  • Work on Unit 3!

         HW Day Two:

  • Work on Unit 3. Post evidence of work.

Week 13: Nov 15-19

         HW Day One:

  • Work on Unit 3. 
  • Post Rough Draft of Artist Statement

         HW Day Two:

  • READ AND ANNOTATE: “The Maker’s Eye” by Donald Murray
  • Work on Unit 3. 

Week 14: Nov 22-24

         Thanksgiving week. No classes Thurs- Sat       

         HW Day One: 

  • Finish Unit Three

         HW Day Two (if applicable):

  • “Shitty” First Draft of Final Reflection, using note to self in Week One as starting point.

Week 15: Nov 29- Dec 3

         HW Day One:

  • Draft of Final Reflection
  • Check-in blog post re: final revision and portfolio. 

         HW Day Two:

  • Keep working on final portfolios

Week 16: Dec 6-10

  • Keep working on final portfolios! 

Week 17: Monday, Dec 13

(M/W classes only)

         Mon, Dec 13:

Final Portfolio Due!: (PROFESSOR DECIDES)