Day14 12/11/2018

How are you today? It’s almost at the end of the semester. Are you ready for the final week and winter break?

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11 Responses to Day14 12/11/2018

  1. I am doing well and yes I am eagerly awaiting the winter break.

  2. chrisllig10 says:

    Yes im ready for winter break

  3. yong says:

    i’m ready for the final week and winter break

  4. Ernesto says:

    I am doing well and yes I am ready for this upcoming winter break.

  5. James Paul says:

    I’m doing well. I can’t wait for the winter break.

  6. Brent says:

    Im doing well and yes Im excited for winter break.

  7. Kevin says:

    I’m fine, just waiting for the semester to end.

  8. jorge mena says:

    i am a bit tired. Need more rest.

    Yes look forward to the break. what day is the final and what time too?

  9. AyeeItsSid says:

    i am doing well and can’t wait for break.

  10. DeepakB says:

    I am good just tired as usual. And yes I am patiently waiting for Christmas and the New Year

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