Day08 10/30/2018

Who is in the classroom now? How was the midterm exam? Was it difficult or easy?

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14 Responses to Day08 10/30/2018

  1. I think the midterm exam was very good. It had its fair share of difficulty, but nothing that impeded its completion. Overall, a very good midterm exam!

  2. Jose says:

    The midterm exam was pretty easy and not that challenging

  3. Ernesto says:

    I felt like the midterm exam was simple and straight forward.

  4. Brent says:

    The midterm was good. It was fairly easy for the most part.

  5. AyeeItsSid says:

    I’m here, but i rather be at home sleeping. The midterm exam wasn’t difficult i found it rather easy to complete but i need to figure out a way to make my drawings faster.

  6. chrisllig10 says:

    The mid term was very fair , pretty easy !

  7. Amir Adams says:

    The mid-term was easy to me b/c I knew the material and I had enough practice not to fail.

  8. jorge mena says:

    I am in the classroom, I was also in on midterm day. Exam was fair. not hard and not too simple.

  9. Kevin says:

    The midterm was fair.

  10. yong says:

    the midterm was easy . it just take long time to finishing

  11. enrique says:

    The midterm exam was somewhat difficult since i took some time creating the first imagine but other then that the midterm exam seem like a success.

  12. enrique says:

    The midterm exam was somewhat difficult since i took some time creating the first imagine but other then that the midterm exam seem like a success.

  13. DeepakB says:

    I believe the midterm was easy because we did similar examples for homework. Also,you showed us how to do some of the examples in class which was helpful

  14. James Paul says:

    I think the midterm was fair and pretty straight forward

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