
Hello class,

My name is Professor Nakamura, the instructor of this section. I’m happy to learn AutoCAD I with you in this semester. Please introduce yourself.

  1. Your Name
  2. Why you select mechanical engineering as a major.
  3. Your dream/career goal
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20 Responses to Day02

  1. Hi I’m Masa. I’m very excited to learn engineering drawing this semester. My hobby is jogging/walking with my dog.
    1. Masa Nakamura
    2. Mechanical Engineering can be applied to a lot of fields
    3. I want to become a good mechanical engineer

  2. Name: William Perez
    Major: Technology Education B.S
    I am not a mechanical engineering major, but I am taking this course as a substitute for the Auto Cad course from my own department.

  3. Amir Adams says:

    Hi, my amir. I want to know everything about the mechanical engineering field but mostly automotive. I want to know everything about cars and dirtbikes

  4. tyleraviles says:

    I’m Tyler Aviles
    my major is mechanical engineering

  5. Mr.J says:

    I am Justin. I wish to be a mechanical Engineer so I may be able to create projects that benefit my own wishes but benefit the masses. I selected mechanical engineering as my major so that it can give me the skills to create and further my own dreams.

  6. James Paul says:

    My name is James Paul. I chose mechanical engineering because i have always been interested in Building and constructing things .The career I would like to pursue is to become a train operator for the MTA.

  7. DeepakB says:

    Hi, I’m Deepak. I look forward to learning AutoCAD this semester. I selected Mechanical Engineering because i want a job where i can play a role in the manufacturing and production of cars as well as machinery.

  8. JM says:

    jorge mena
    Mechanical Engineer

    I selected ME as i am currently working for an Engineering firm.

  9. yong says:

    My name is Yong
    My career goal is to be mechanical designer
    the reason that i select mechanical engineering as a major is there lot of hands on work

  10. enrique says:

    My name is Enrique, I’m very excited to learn Engineering graphics this semester by using AutoCAD. My major is mechanical engineering and i’m looking forward to learning more about the engineering field throughout the semester.

  11. enrique says:

    My name is Enrique, I’m very excited to learn Engineering graphics this semester by using AutoCAD. My major is mechanical engineering and i’m looking forward to learning more about the engineering field throughout the semester.

  12. AyeeItsSid says:

    I’m Said Safie. I selected Mechanical Engineering because i always loved to build things and learn how certain parts go together and work with each other. I have not decided on a career that I would like to have, I’ll just see where my Degree takes me. My hobbies are working on cars with my friends, and just doing whatever with them.

  13. Jose says:

    My name is Jose and my major is mechanical engineering because i like the way an idea can easily be created by a drawing.

  14. oren felix says:

    Hi my name is Oren. I’m excited and intrigue to learn about engineering drawing this semester because i like drawing and building stuff . My hobby is a play football for a semipro team.

    1. Oren felix
    2. I would like to pursue my dream in this field
    3. I’m going to the Air Force to further my career after college to become a pilot

  15. Ernesto says:

    Hi, my name is Ernesto. I selected mechanical engineering because I like the hands on projects and how things work in relation to each other.

  16. chrisllig10 says:

    Hi my name is Chris Lliguichuzhca, I selected mechanical engineering as a major because of my high school experience and its a field that have so many job opportunities. My goal is to gain so much knowledge this college can provided.

  17. Brent says:

    I’m Brent. I picked Mechanical Engineering because I’d like to work for a major automotive company, Like Volkswagen and Building cars like Lamborghini’s. But any car company would be fine.

  18. Kevin says:

    Hi, my name is Kevin. The reason in why I selected mechanical engineering as my major is to learn more about the automotive field and what it takes to become a mechanic. My goal is to work for a automotive industry or to open up my own mechanic shop.

  19. my name is Roberto Vincent and i chose mechanical engineering because i want to learn about machines and how they function because i want to be able to create automobiles

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