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How are you today? Today is day10 and next week is the Thanksgiving week. Are you ready for the thanksgiving? What will you do during the thanksgiving?
Assemble the all parts of the robot arm and make an animation as same as the following video.
How are you today? Do you have any questions for EX07&HW07?
We will review once again next week before the midterm exam starts.
Watch the following Arbor Press animation that I uploaded. Distance Mate.
We want to assemble this Arbor Press today.
1) Download the zip folder https://drive.google.com/file/d/16Cr3Iv69goMqRNWgA4sHc8O2Wa9w2lyS/view?usp=sharing and unzip it (right click and select “extract”).
2) Open a new assembly file and import all part files.
3) Assemble them based on the image the Arbor Press that you’ve watched in the youtube video. In terms of the rack and the pinion (gear), we have to set up a special mate called rack pinion of “mechanical mates”. I put an instruction video here:
4) After finishing 3), create an animation of Arbor Press which moves pressing down and lifting up. You can motorize it using linear motion (actuator) or rotation motion (motor). (Maybe you can try a linear motion that we haven’t done yet in the class.)
5) Upload your animation to youtube and post the link here!
6) We will discuss this animation next week before the midterm starts.
That’s it!! Enjoy!
How are you today? Who is in the classroom now?
I had to go to a hospital in DC this morning and cannot come to NYC this afternoon. I apologize for this inconvenience, but today is an online class. Please check a review (Review) for midterm and exercise (EX07). And start working EX07. Next week we have a midterm exam. I will give a review in detail before the midterm starts next week. If you have any question, please put comments in EX07 or Review. I’m online today until 5pm.
10/15 Day06
Web plate animation (EX06) and lecture of cam design and animation (will be EX07)
10/22 Day07
Cam project (EX07) and Review
10/29 Day08
Midterm Exam