


Dear IND2420 class,
Today, we will start the lecture at 2:30pm, instead of 2pm.


Welcome to Engineering Animation class. I’m very excited to learn animation skills with you during this semester. After watching the following animation, please answer (reply to this post) these questions.
1) Your Name
2) Why you select this course?
3) What kind of animation you recognize in your daily life?
4) How do you feel after watch the following YouTube animation?
5) What kind of eng. Animation you want to create?

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6 Responses to Day02

  1. Anthony A. says:

    Anthony Aliaga
    I chose this course because it’s one of the last courses I need for my associate degree in Industrial Design.
    I see a lot of animations everyday at work. From motor movements to conveyor belts. Also see animations in workout machines.
    after watching the youtube video I see that there’s a lot of parts that come to making any assembly
    I am not certain what kind of animation I want to create.

  2. Cristian says:

    1.Cristian Mendoza
    2.I selected this course as its a requirement and also want to go more in depth with engineering animation/design.
    3. The sort of animation I recognize in my daily life is through video and graphic animation.
    4. After the Youtube video I learned that it takes many steps in the design process to create an elevator sequence.
    5. The kind of engineering animation I want to create is robotic animations

  3. Kelvin Chan says:

    Good afternoon Professor Nakamura. I am Hing Sing Chan which I had another class with you in IND2313 in Fall 2018. The reason I selected this course is that I wanted to know about how technology can influence the world nowadays even in drawing.

    The video that was provided by UC Berkeley can be seen as a design of elevators. I think this video animation is an example of how drawings is changed under the influence of technology. After I finish the class, I hope to create animations related to parts of a plane, in which I might needed to do when I am entering aviation career

  4. JohnRod says:

    good afternoon professor Nakamura
    -My name is John Rodriguez
    -I selected this course because its required for my degree and i enjoy design
    -I recognize animation from a lot of different mediums. looks like CGI from movies and video games
    -its a very well made video and it makes it easier to understand how all the parts of the elevator assembly connect together
    -I would like to create videos relating to aviation or welding

  5. Martinez says:

    Good Afternoon Professor,
    Eric Martinez here. This class is a part of my IND classes. In my daily life i recognize the elevation of the elevator’s motion as well as, because of summer, roller coaster animation. The video makes it clear to understand motion in the particular devices shown. In this class i wouldn’t mind making videos related to camera gimbals and cranes.

  6. KwameP says:

    Hi Professor Nakamura,
    – My name is Kwame Pilay, I am also registered in your other class this semester, IND 2340.
    – I choose this course because I enjoy using design programs, especially Inventor and AutoCad. I look forward to using these programs in this course.
    – I see animation in very different forms in my every day life, but the most common which I constantly come across is through ads on tv, social media or even public transportation.
    – After watching this video, I can see the different ways an assembly can be put together to make an animation.
    – I hope to improve my animation skills on SolidWorks after taking this course.

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