Day03 9/17/2018: exercise

EX Day03,

We want to make an engineering animation shown in the following video.


1) How many Degrees of Freedom this robot arm has?

2) In the first place, what is Degree of Freedom (DOF)? Check a definition of DOF and explain it using your own words.

3) We want to have a 3D model of this arm. Download a following zip file and unzip it. Make sure that all files can be opened.

Submit your answers of questions 1)&2) to by the end of today’s class (4pm).

Next week we will assemble all parts and make the first animation.

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2 Responses to Day03 9/17/2018: exercise

  1. STEPHEN says:

    1. 6

    2. The range of movement that is a viable to the to the object in relation to the present constraints.

  2. Pingback: Review for Midterm (Day08 10/29/2018) | IND2420 Engineering Animation and Presentation

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