Author Archives: SadiaMahzabin

Sadia Mahzabin ENG 2575-D594: Update on Instruction Manual

This assignment is very simple so far for me. I was able to properly order the steps that is needed to be done. I mainly used 3 different models because there was a certain style of writing that I was trying to look for. The checklist was a really good tool for me since it had a lot of examples of how I can use transitions. The was one difficult aspect because I did not want to have it be so choppy but rather have a good flow throughout the topic. I am working on expanding what I have to also make sure I meet the word count.


Sadia Mahzabin D594 Instruction Manual

I have only really looked for examples that I can use for models. The way I tend to grasp the idea of how an assignment works I would like to see other submission in order to make sure I am on the right track. I really do not know what the topic I will choose. The topics I look up either have too many things to write in for or too little.

Sadia Mahzabin Eng2575 SectionD594, Feed Back on Feedback

I expected it honestly. Scratch that I really thought that I deserved a lower grad than what I have received. There were silly mistakes that I made and looking back at the work; I am seriously cringing. I can’t being to fathom what made me write what I had written. It may have been the aggravation of me having 499 words by the end when i need to have 500. That was the worst part of it all. Moving forward I really would want someone else to read it out for me rather than myself.

Sadia Mahzabin Eng2575 Section D594, Expanded Definition Drafting

The word I have chosen is not apart of the CST major but it is a scientific term in Aerospace Technology. For me personally I wanted to find a word that had more history and that has a good ring to it. I am going to expand the term Aerodynamics. For me this word seems really interesting because it holds a lot information to it. It ranges in different sectors of technologies and really is implemented in different forms in daily life. To be frank, I like the sound of the word. When looking for the word it was not hard since i did have a subject matter that I could go into. Also there was a boat of articles on the word. The key thing I would want to focus on is how important the term is when it comes to having technology advances.


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Sadia Mahzabin, ENG2575 Section D594, Elizabeth Colbert

Dear god this was the most annoying reading I have ever read. Never have I ever read something so useless to me. It angered me so much because it made me question why I make the certain choices and why I believe certain things. The only thing I do agree with is that you should not blindly follow something without questioning it. I am a feminist but I did my research and did what I had to in order to earn that title. I understood the issues and comprehended what was presented in all angles. Unlike the Trump supporters, I refuse to be blind to the world. So from this article, it only grounds my thoughts on questioning everything. Whatever it is you believe in whether it be politics, religion or how you like eggs in the morning, just know that the explanation of “jut because” should not suffice. Moving forward the idea of having a group of people agree with you only makes you want to believe in what you are believing more. Yeah, not in my book. You like apples and I’ll like oranges.

Sadia Mahzabin – ENG2575-D594 John Arnold & AI Articles

The article about John Arnold was not the longest thing I have read. The problem I have with it is that it was so redundant. It bored me out of my mind to read some sob story about this white guy who who made it big on Wall Street. By the end of the entire thing i assumed that it was a bibliography of some old dead guy. The more I read into it the more I was discouraged to continue. I wanted to know if there was a scandal or find the reason why it was so vital that he was being published. Good thing he’s top dog on Wall Street because clearly I really don’t care about what this man did in his life honestly.

The AI article was actually something note worthy honestly. To a normal human being it would instill fear into the creations you make. I would have this day dream through the article about this man being strangled by his own robot who would not make the creator his tea. I find the whole thing entertaining. I’m not saying that it would be fun to have these superpower machine come in and destroy the world (at least not entirely); I’m basically pointing out the fact that there has to be a balance in how much power you give something that is not human.

Sadia Mahzabin, Intorduction

By the obvious title, you already know what my name is. Nice to meet you too. From what I gather, this course will be a very interesting. At least to me it is. Frankly, I can vouch for many of the CST majors when stating that the professors here are not that entertaining. At least this time around, we have someone that can make the right jokes yet having that power march every other professor has. I am the only female in this class-nothing new for me, yet unusual.