Adrian’s comments on “That’s What You Think”

This article or book review, was very intriguing for me. I found it fascinating because it touches on a very interesting topic that has raised much controversy in today’s society. That is, the reason why it is almost impossible to change the mind of someone that is already set in his or her way of thinking. The author, Elizabeth Kolbert, analyzes three books with different authors that nevertheless have much in common. Each author presents very valid views, for example, Mercier and Sperber mention the behavior they have labeled as “Confirmation bias.” They explain it as the tendency to follow and defend information that agrees with the way we think and to reject all that information that is against our convictions. Personally, I can say that I am guilty of following this behavior. Usually, I read complete articles that support my points of view or I watch entire videos with the same characteristics, however, I simply skim through or fast forward content that I disagree with. It is just recently that I am trying to be mindful of the information that doesn’t agree with my beliefs. I am trying to be objective, however, it is so hard not to judge with the millions of delusional people out there.

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