Sadia Mahzabin, ENG2575 Section D594, Elizabeth Colbert

Dear god this was the most annoying reading I have ever read. Never have I ever read something so useless to me. It angered me so much because it made me question why I make the certain choices and why I believe certain things. The only thing I do agree with is that you should not blindly follow something without questioning it. I am a feminist but I did my research and did what I had to in order to earn that title. I understood the issues and comprehended what was presented in all angles. Unlike the Trump supporters, I refuse to be blind to the world. So from this article, it only grounds my thoughts on questioning everything. Whatever it is you believe in whether it be politics, religion or how you like eggs in the morning, just know that the explanation of “jut because” should not suffice. Moving forward the idea of having a group of people agree with you only makes you want to believe in what you are believing more. Yeah, not in my book. You like apples and I’ll like oranges.

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