Author Archives: Ye

Something I want to say about this class

Time goes so fast. It is almost 2 months since I joined this class. Actually, I still don’t believe that I can finish some assignment. Such as 500 words summary. Because I never did so long a summary and read so long an article. Though there are some mistakes in the paper, I finished by myself. And also, I still have a lot of things to learn  in the next  half semester. I try to do better in this class.  And I think I will do my best in the last year in City Tech!


Time past so fast. From next week, I will have some midterms. Actually I did not bad in some classes such as CST classes. Also I learned a lot from economy and  technical writing classes. Furthermore, I realize that I need to work harder in technical writing. Based on the book, I know that its a very good class, and it’s focus on communication. And it is very useful for students who will graduate soon.

What I learned from Chapter 1

The thing I learned is that the writer must communicate with his readers constantly. Compare to writing essay to the professor in the college, the purpose of writing a report to the co-worker or the decision-maker in the company is totally different. They readers will give reactions which are shaped by their situation while they are reading.  And that will push writer to communicate constantly.

Expanded Definition Process

In the past weekend, I did some preparation work about the expanded definition of technical term “hotspot”. I supposed to found more materials from college library database or internet. But I found it’s really difficult to choose useful article from so many articles. And I will continue with writing the 1st draft tonight.

The challenge I met

The first assignment of 500 words summary is really a challenge for me. It’s not mean I don’t like writing or I am not willing to do assignment. For a student whose native language is not English like me, it’s difficult to find an applicable article from the library database. I have to spend a lot of time in reading the index.  At first, it’s really inefficiency. Later I did much better.

research process

I have been did some work about researching the articles of “AI” field from NY times or other scientific magazines. But it was really difficult to choose a good topic for my presentation. However, I really gathered some materials. And I will finish all the preparation work soon.

Comment about “Facebook Live is changing the world”

In the article “Facebook Live is changing the world”, the author told us the history of Facebook Live and some successful examples of it. According to the author, on one hand, Facebook Live made it possible that families or friends could share their short video now: a famous example was that a woman’s Live with wearing Chewbacca mask got over 165m views just in a very short time. But on the other hand, because of the video or Live is difficult to delete. Facebook Live was also used to be the powerful tool by activists to spread words and against government departments. How ever, Facebook Live still has method to solve this problem by hiring more employees whose job is to moderate the videos. And the author believed that Mark Zuckerberg would finally solve the problem.  And I strongly agree with author’s option: the technology is changing the world!


Hi all!
My name is Ye Zhang, and I am a senior student from Computer System Technology major.
I came from China several years ago. In the past years, I used to be a volunteer worked for the We Are New York program and helped new immigrant New Yorkers practice English. I chose this course because it was required. However, I noticed that it was very important to CST students that having a technical writing skill. Also, I am interested in AI (Artificial Intelligence).
I hope I can make a positive contribution in the AI field in the future!