Author Archives: Ye

Group Work

Actually I am still working on the group work. For some reason, this period is much more busy than usually. And I found some material for my part of the group work. Also I am preparing doing the presentation part.

About Yesterday

The weather is so good but just so much windy sometimes. I sent my daughter to school in the morning and decided to go to park for a trip– it’s the blooming season of sakura in Brooklyn Botanic Garden. Such a beautiful day!  However, that was just my dream… I worked all day from morning to midnight… So sad.

About Group Work

My teammates and I are working on the group work now. Unlike it in programming class, the group work in writing class is much more difficult. From choosing the topic to prepare the presentation, a lot of work there need to do. For our group, we just decided the topic. That was the first step.

Reading and Internet

“The shallows” is really a interest book. In the chapter 5 of the book, the author summarized that reader’s action changed the world. For example. the newspaper companies. Also, because people can get information they want so easily and quickly. A lot of them did not need to read a paper book any more. And that also will be the reason why some newspapers were stopped working.

Human’s Desire,Human Being’s Technology and Man kind’s Future

Before I read the chapter 3 of shallow, I though it just an article about the history of technology that related to human being’s history. I was wrong, course I found more that hidden in the book. Long time ago, the ancient people just knew a little bit technology. Because of the desire of living materials, human’s culture and civilization were developed. More and more technologies were invented. And these technologies also pushed the development of human being’s society. Now, we developed AI technology. However, what will it do to our future?

The Past Spring Break

I felt I did nothing in the past spring break without working. Working, working and working. Actually, I planned to have a vocation. But I did not act for it. Also I told me to practice coding everyday, I did not make it neither. Most of time I spent in working. That’s not what I want. However, I have to work for survive. The spring break is gone. And I will prepare for the final from now.

The Coming Spring Break

The spring break is coming. From April 10-18, I will have enough time to stay at home and play with my daughter. Also, I will keep on practicing coding in the spring break. Like most of people, of course, I want to have a vacation with family members. So I also will think about make a vacation to other cities such as Boston.

Update of instructional manual

In the past weeks, I changed my topic several times. The most difficult thing of writing instructional manual is to write enough words. However, in the first time, when I tried to write steps of building btcoin miner, I just wrote 300 or  400 words. It’s really a hard work. Later I did more work of preparation. And I will try to finish it tonight.

Instructional manual

I did some research about instructional manual writing assignment. And I found some interesting thins. There are really some other different ways to do some common things. For example, the bitcoin now is so expensive, and some people buy the bitcoin miners from the computer company. However, people can build a powerful computer by themselves without having too much knowledge in computer science. In fact, all the actions has its instructional manual. And I will try to write an interesting one.

The Checklist

In the article “The Checklist” written by Atul Gawande, the author introduces that how to apply the checklist to the ICU management. As the author explains, in some complex process suck as IC in the hospital, there are always some error actions in thousands of steps and that causes the surviving rate decreased. Later, the checklist was used. And nurses and doctors whose actions followed the checklist saved more people. And finally he got a conclusion that the checklist is widely used and saved a lot of people’s lives. And I think also the checklist can be used in development of software.