Author Archives: Xavier O.

Expanded Definition Feedback

Writing this assignment was more difficult than the first. The first assignment was a generalization of one long peer reviewed article so that one had a good flow to it. The hardest thing about it was keeping the work in the assigned amount of words. With the expanded definition it was a little more difficult to get started because of trying to keep the central theme of the word I chose and not what it means. I would think maybe it has more to do with the word I chose instead of the paper itself. Once I looked over the outline and started writing with these specific goals in mind then the paper started to piece itself together but prior to that I was a little concerned that I would not meet the word count requirement. The other major concern I had was keeping he focus of the word and not the meaning, connotations and examples of it in focus. I basically wanted to explain what the word was instead of stating its meaning, etymology and how it was used in the past vs in the present.

Midterm Assessment

For the mid-semester of Spring 2017 it has been much slower than my previous years in college. Usually I attend 4 classes a semester but this semester I am only attending 2 classes. I did begin with 4 but have since reduced the classes to have some amount of rest between working part time in retail and attending classes every morning. Since making the decision to only take 2 classes I feel that I do have time to get more class related work done. Usually when I am taking the 4 classes I can maybe get assignments done for 2 out of the 4 and pray that the other classes do not assign work. This semester I see deadlines and I do not need to calculate how much time I need to assign myself in order to get it done by the deadline. I can tackle the assignments in bits and pieces as I see fit while I also try to get some more sleep and actually feel better throughout my days.

Technical Communication Chapter 1

Chapter 1 goes to great lengths to show us students how writing that you do can be used to communicate to a reader rather than a teacher or professor. It reminds you that the writing you will do in the work place will need to be written in a way that has a purpose to communicate something useful and how the people reading this will digest the information.

Defintion Assignment Update

As with all my research writing assignments the bulk of the worry that goes into it is the research. The researching begins with my web browser open with a dozen tabs because I want to make sure the topic I pick has the ability to be broken down and explained enough to fulfill the requirements of the paper. Nothing will drive me more insane than being stuck at 500 words and nothing to say because I have not accumulated enough peer-reviewed articles as source materials. I believe for the contemporary references it would be good to have sources from web articles so striking a good balance between peer reviewed and web articles. So right now I am gathering all the interesting and/or detailed articles that I can so that I will have a lot of reference just in case I get stuck for whatever reason will I am writing. I want to right about a modern topic such as Esports or the Internet of things but the peer reviewed works are focused on particulars and don’t really explain the topic well enough at least for me and my understanding.

Feelings on the Technical Summary – Xavier Rodriguez

Overall I felt the technical summary was not the hardest thing I’ve had to do in my college career. Due to not taking an English composition class in years I felt that the initial start phase of finding the article and starting the summary was the hardest. Once I found an article I felt comfortable writing about starting the actual summary was very difficult. Once I outlined the things I needed to talk about and the things I should talk about the writing part became a lot simpler. I actually had a hard time not staying under or at the 500 words once I was in stride. So the hardest part was starting the writing and the easiest part was when I was in the middle of writing.

Finding Sources

I have been reading up on a few different topics that are topics of discussion that I may present. I have been reading up on Virtual Reality technologies and how they are being used, installation and overall adoption of virtual reality units in the market. I think I would like to break away from that and maybe focus on how Virtual Reality can be used in rehabilitation environments and if this allows individuals that did not have or lost  the motor skills to enjoy video games to get back into it using VR headsets and body motion instead of fine controller hand movements.

Facebook Live IS Changing The World Response

When I read this article and for the first time I felt out of the loop about something that is going on in the world around me through social media. After reading the article I did not really understand why there was so much buzz about live streaming something such as someones daily activities but then it hit me when I began watching later on. I believe current users of social media platforms have a habit of jumping on things as a “wave” and really blowing things up for a small amount of time until the next thing comes. Facebook Live did not really affect me directly but it stems from people like watching other people do things and that is how Twitch video game streaming became so popular and why I use it so much today.